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The learning programs below are $30. Managing Virus Threats with Proper Air Filtration is free.


COMPLIMENTARY viewing is available for AMFP Members & Healthcare Provider Employees.


Approved for 1.0 CEU. Select a program to learn more.

Effect of Hybrid Workplaces in Health Facilities


Moving Forward while Grappling with Covid-19


Managing Virus Threats with Proper Air Filtration


Design & Technology is Answering the Covid-19 Challenge


How Healthcare Facilities are Repositioning for the Future


How to Make 1+1=3: A Pair of Money Saving Reports


Special Two-Part Report on Recalibrating Medical Facilities Amid Disasters


Special Report: Digital Health & Smarter Master Planning


Cybersecurity: IT Can't Fight It Alone! Covid-19 Workplace Strategies


NYC Special Report Direct from America's Biggest Healthcare Market


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